Friday, March 14, 2014

okay the business I chose is Stonyfield /organic

I think this blog is great, very calming,easy to read and navigate. It has interesting articles/posts to read. The intended audience is really any one who wants to know about their organic dairy products and how to incorporate them into their own lives. They have succeeded with this blog, lots of good recipes and helpful hints about green/healthy living.This shows that they not only care about making their products the best, but care about their customers and the environment.
There are many links provided, one to the company website and all that it contains. Anything you'd want to know about Stonyfield, green living, even about their cows on the farm is on that website! Possible a disadvantage to all this information might be overwhelming at first and possibly hard to remember where you found information you'd been looking for.
This is a blog I would follow.


  1. Kathi,
    I agree, Stoneyfield is a visually appealing, well organized and user friendly blog. They have posts by customers, employees and whomever their administrator is, and they are interesting and relevant to their products and causes.
    My only criticism would be their lack of presence on Twitter and Facebook, I could not find them. I found them on Youtube where they posted numerous videos.
    Their website and blog almost makeup for their insufficient use of social media, but I think they would increase the traffic to their site measurably.

  2. That surprises me that they don't have a facebook or twitter. It would make a lot of sense to advertise this way since it is such a popular way to do it.
